Dhruvmil Pandya was selected as the winner of the Crystal Palace youth selection camp in Mumbai. The stage was set as the 8 selected boys took on each other and played as a team on the mini pitch of Barclay's Premier League Live event in Mumbai.
Dhruvmil who was the youngest of the all the participants at 15, impressed the present judges - Palace Legend Mark Bright, Liverpool legend Robbie Fowler, Mumbai City FC CEO Indranil Blah and Mumbai City FC Player Abhishek Yadav.
Dhruvmil Pandya, was selected after a host of rounds from 350 participants. Now the winner along with his guardian will go to South London club training center for a week of coaching.
This trip will be an all expense paid trip, with Club taking care of the kid and the guardian. He will also be 'Guest of Honour' at a home game during his stay and will receive advice from the first team manager, players and staff whilst also enjoying the atmosphere at Selhurst Park.
Upon returning to Mumbai he will become an official ambassador of the club and will be encourage to local kids with coaching football.