Pune Connect is the biggest annual technology based event in the city. Organized by SEAP and its technology partners, the event gives start ups a unique opportunity to get exposure and the attention of the Venture Capitalists.
The fifth edition of the event took place on the 28th of November at The Westin Pune. The Event had 28 start-ups which were competing amongst themselves to proceed to the next round. The Event gives the participants not only a platform for exposure but also helps them broaden their network. Pune Connect helps startups get feedback and a chance to get investments.
Stephen Yarwood, The former Mayor of Adelaide was present at the event. Invited by the city commissioner Kunal Kumar, the Australian international gave a speech about Smart Cities and their significance.
The Football Mind was also present at the event. Being the only sports technology related start up in the event, The Football Mind garnered a lot of attention from the participants and the Venture Capitalists alike. Being one of the unique entries of the event, the Pune based startup was selected for the VC round wherein they were engaged in a prolonged interaction with the Venture Capitalists. The sports startup also immediately appealed to the football fans at the event and they immediately signed up on the portal.
About The Football Mind
Founded in 2014, The Football Mind C/o Protégé Sports Networks, India’s largest and only professional network for football lovers across the globe, was established to create a networking and communication portal for Indian Football. Every Football entity in India including players, coaches, fans, clubs, academies and associations can create their unique web page on the site (www.thefootballmind.com). Special features are available to each entity for networking, communication, and monitoring, showcasing skills, planning football tournaments and events and increasing their local fan base.